In April 2025, International Acceleration Program “NG&Accelerator” will be launched and held within the framework of the St. Petersburg International Gas Forum (SPIGF).
The International Acceleration Program “NG&Accelerator” is implemented by St. Petersburg State University of Economics (UNECON) with the support of Gazprom PJSC, Expoforum International LLC and other partner companies. It is supported by energy business experts and academic staff of leading Russian and foreign universities in energy development issues. The program is the successor to the “Youth Day of SPIGF” project, which has been held since 2015.
The International Acceleration Program “NG&Accelerator” includes three tracks:
Educational – studying at the Virtual Academy under the additional education program “Energy Projects: Technologies for a Sustainable Future”.
Project – team work on projects in the field of new energy solutions under the guidance of experts followed by selection of the best projects.
Final – participation in special events and presentation of projects of five best teams at the Gas Forum.
In the framework of the Virtual Academy, on 2 June – 14 July 2025, participants will attend online lectures given by energy company representatives, complete individual assignments, and start project work. Based on the results of the evaluation, five teams with the best solutions will receive an invitation to the XIV St. Petersburg International Gas Forum, which will be held on 7-10 October 2025.
At the Gas Forum, NG&Accelerator participants will visit the exhibition and the Plenary Session of SPIGF, workshops of leading industry experts, off-tie meeting with experts and heads of energy companies, and present their projects to the jury. The team winner will receive memorable prizes and further support.
In addition, during their visit to St. Petersburg, accelerator participants will have a city tour and visit iconic historical and modern sites, including the Lakhta Center, the tallest building in Europe and the Gazprom headquarters, as well as the final event, “Crossing Point: Meeting of Accelerator Participants”.
Selection criteria
Master’s and PhD students, young specialists under 35 years old, who speak English and have interest in energy studies, and who have not previously participated in the “Youth Day of SPIGF” project, are invited to participate in the NG&Accelerator program.
Application deadline is 15 May 2025. After registration, all candidates will be required to pass testing.
Working languages: Russian, English.