Virtual Academy. Module 3.
On June 9, the Virtual Academy completed the third training module, which was devoted to market trends.
The representatives of three Youth Day partner companies held their webinars:
- On May 31 Irina Mironova and Alexey Koshelets, Chief Specialists of PJSC Gazrpom, told about trends and perspectives of LNG market development. They compared the carbon footprint of pipeline gas and LNG and explain if LNG is a “premium” product with high added value.

- On June 3, Thomas Witt, Head of Department Gas Purchase in VNG Handel & Vertrieb GmbH, performed with “Midstreamers in European Gas Markets: Risks and opportunities”. During the discussion with VA participants he presented a brief history of VNG & partnership with Russia, told about European Gas Market and LNG in Germany.

- On June 6, Sybren de Jong, Market Modelling in V. Nederlandse Gasunie, held webinar “Gas Hub Developments. Key trends in gas trading in Europe“. He described TTF – the leading and price setting gas hub in Europe and beyond, spoke about market liberalization and unbundling as well as about conditions to be met for a successful trading place. He compared also gas trading places.

To sum up the knowledge of Module 2 and 3, the participants needed to solve the Challenge 2 on business models and strategies of leading energy companies.
Trying the role of analysts, the participants chose four or five energy companies. Then they identified external and internal factors influencing the decisions of the companies and analyzed the selected areas of strategic development.
Most of the students successfully coped with the task. They analyzed a great data and could present the specifics of industry and companies.
PJSC Gazprom became the most frequently mentioned company. The most popular development trend was liquefied natural gas and digitalization.
The presented works showed a high level of competences of our participants.