Project news

Опубликовано: June 28, 2021 в 4:41 pm

Категории: News

The Virtual Academy 2021
educational program is ending

The first educational part of Energy Challenge 2021, the Virtual Academy (VA), is almost completed. The last webinar of the third educational module has just finished, but the participants still have two weeks for finishing their individual final challenge. The project organizers from the Higher Economic School of St. Petersburg State University of Economics (HES UNECON) summarize the preliminary results.

Project news

Опубликовано: May 6, 2021 в 1:25 pm

Категории: News

Start of the Virtual Academy 2021

On April 26, the Virtual Academy, the first stage of the Energy Challenge project, was launched. Its topic is “Embracing Uncertainty with 3D”.

Virtual Academy is a three-month educational online program including three study modules. In each module, experts from the partner companies give classes on various energy topics. As part of the program, participants must complete two tasks and prepare their final individual project. At the end of the Virtual Academy, the best participants will be invited to St. Petersburg for the in-person Youth Day events to be held at the St. Petersburg International Gas Forum.


Опубликовано: February 24, 2021 в 6:34 pm

Категории: Archive

EnCh2.0 news

Опубликовано: December 3, 2020 в 6:55 pm

Категории: News

Start of the Youth Day 2020

December 3, the annual international student event Youth Day 2020 started wThe Opening Ceremony of the annual international student event Youth Day 2020 took place on the 3rd of December, which top 50 graduates of the Virtual Academy from 31 universities, representing 11 countries, take part in.

EnCh2.0 news

Опубликовано: July 30, 2020 в 2:10 pm

Категории: News

Summing up the results of the Virtual Academy 2020

The Virtual Academy, the first stage of the Energy Challenge 2.0 project has just been completed. The expert group has finished assessing the student research projects, and now we can sum up the results.

For three months, April 15 – July 10, 270 students representing 75 universities of 22 countries studied online on the educational program “Energy 2020: Back to the Future” based on the UNECON distance learning platform.

The Energy Challenge team from the Higher Economic School of UNECON carried out serious expert and organizational work and prepared three training modules.

EnCh2.0 news

Опубликовано: June 19, 2020 в 2:14 pm

Категории: News

Virtual Academy. Module 3.

May 27 – June 17 the third training module was held at the Virtual Academy of the Energy Challenge project. The Academy participants, together with industry experts, had to determine what kinds of policies, strategies, and investment decisions should be taken right now on a corporate level to ensure our safe and sustainable future.

The webinar program of Module 3 covered a wide range of topics offered by partner companies:

EnCh2.0 news

Опубликовано: June 2, 2020 в 4:01 pm

Категории: News

Virtual Academy. Module 2.

May 27, the second study module was completed at the Virtual Academy of the Energy Challenge project. It was dedicated to the topic of “Foresight, a look into the future”. VA participants together with experts tried to determine the trends and technologies, which will form the foundation of our energy future for the next 20-30.

The webinar program of Module 2 was even more intense:

EnCh2.0 news

Опубликовано: May 8, 2020 в 4:20 pm

Категории: News

Virtual Academy. Module 1.

April 15, 2020 we started the Virtual Academy, the first stage of the Energy Challenge 2.0 project, organized by Higher Economic School of UNECON.

The first training module was held from April 15 to May 6. It was dedicated to the hindsight in order to summarize and compare the expectations and results of the major energy events and trends since the beginning of XXI.

EnCh2.0 news

Опубликовано: April 22, 2020 в 2:34 pm

Категории: News

The start of the Energy Challenge 2.0

Since 2019, the annual project of the Youth Day as a part of the St. Petersburg International Gas Forum, organized by HES UNECON, has been realized in the upgraded format of the Energy Challenge. It still holds the status of the International Business Congresses’ working project and has the support of the leading energy companies and organizations as Gazprom, Uniper, Wintershall Dea, Gasunie, Energy Delta Institute, OMV, Shell, Schneider Electric, ESMT, Expoforum, and others.


Опубликовано: December 10, 2019 в 5:28 pm

Категории: Archive

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